Multiple Basemaps

Map Discovery Windows provides multiple basemaps for showing the data on the map for better user experience.

Go to Coordinates

User can goto to specific coordinates using Windows Map Discovery

Supports Vector Data Loading

Map Discovery Windows supports loading of vector data ie. geo package, shape file, geojson, kml, gpx, get tiff, wkt etc.

Supports Measuring Bearing and Distance

Map Discovery Windows supports calculating the bearing and distance of two points on the map. User can draw 2 points on the map to and then calculate distance and braring.

Drawing Bounding Boxes

Map Discovery Windows supports drawing bounding boxes on the map and displays the min max coordinates of that bounding box.

Supports Magnetic Declination

Map Discovery Windows supports measuring magnetic declination of the center cursor of the map.

Windows Map Discovery Application

Highly Advanced 2D Mapping Microsoft Windows app with support for online mapping services

Purchase includes one install 

If you are interested in a license key valid for multiple installs or multiple apps

please contact us →

Salient Features

COG Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF

The app supports loading internet and local COG files

GeoPackage Vector Features

GIS Vector Data in SQLite OGC GPKG Vector Features

Coordinate Converter

A coordinate converter tool is available


It has 2D Advanced Map Viewer – OpenLayers and 3D Scene /Perspective View with ThreeJS. In-app Vector Tiling and advanced

JSON Data Catalog

The app has a data catalog JSON format feature that allows for configuring online mapping services (ESRI MapServer, ESRI ImageServer.

Online Mapping Services

The app supports data and online mapping services. 

BaseMap Picker

BaseMap Picker for raster tiles and vector tiles with stylesheets, as well as connect to basemaps, OGC WMS, XYZ tile servers. The default base is Open Street Map Vector tiles with different stylesheets.

Add Vector Data

Users are able to load GIS mapping data: mbtiles, gpkg, Shapefiles (zipped), KML, GPX, GeoJSON.

Native GeoLocation Widget

The app is able to show native geolocation information via a widget over the map.

Application’s Quick Look


Load multiple basemaps on the maps already provided by the application

Catalog Data Loading

Catalog Data loading to quickly configure access to online mapping services and online files (geojson, csv, gpx)text

Google Maps 2D / 3D

The application supports the google maps 3d and 2d view. You can see the center cursor view on the google maps.

Bing Maps 2D / 3D

The application supports the bing maps 3d and 2d view. You can see the center cursor view on the bing maps.

3D Viewer

Point the center of the map to see the 3d buildings, 3d mountains and 3d views of that area.

User Links

User can open pre defined urls and also add its specific  urls that will be saved for future use.

Load Vector Data

Users can load the vectoe data i.e. geojson, gpkg, kml, shapefile, gpx, geo tiff etc.

Tile Server Tile Rendering

Windows tile server can be used to serve local tiles, Map Discovery can provide interface where those offline tiles can be seen using catalog builder.

We can easily add support for :
  • AVL Live Location Tracking with dashboard
  • Geofencing with notifications (location tracking and geofencing can be self hosted or as subscription but no third party service is required)
  • Access to Secured /Private mapping services AGOL/ArcGIS Portal Content or GeoServer Content
  • Integration with existing systems and databases and API’s, work management, asset management other systems.
  • Other live data (OGC SOS, OGC Moving Features, ADS-B, AIS, etc)
  • We are a full service full stack Geospatial development firm and can easily add custom capabilities.



Serves vector local GIS vector data (ESRI Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, GPKG Vector features SQLite database and PostGIS /PostgreSQL Database tables) as:

Purchase Windows Tile Server – module for offline tiles support

We are selling this a mapping framework to build custom apps